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D E (B(G onta*)BDE@iRX(B #C  osg D8E@pD2D2*(G@ osgc $-<+dGCȲ. X tDŽ: \T$ .jpg X l0: \ 302pixel, 8\ 285pixelH8!R-BC [ 1] \T$ D /E @(8-L@ cip$cip$5% #-<+$??A?8t???U 5%5% # #-\+d-\+BDE@rRX(BC1) Ĭ D4E@LL(BDE@ֲRX(B C"\tܴ DٳX 0 Ĭ ȴ@ , xĬ  7\ lt X . t | |@ Ĭ| x( ǘ, 2004). |@ Ƭ  8Ĭ| ĬX .?)2.3)V.W)EN}(4(V}(gV]}(d}(k}( r}(:z}(p<}(j}(}( Ɩ}(:}(k"}(P}(F   <= >? 23 VW BC #}Xt Ĭ ٳ|@ pX tp \ XX t. tǃ@ DX ǥ \ Ĭ |1 ō1D ଐ XՔ 4\ ,t |ǴŘ t( 88, 2014). , Ĭ D  `  Ŕ <\ <\ t\ x\ X D 8Ĭtp, 0, \ XX t\ D0| ɘij Ĭ $Ƙ 8< t   \ǐ  |@ 4XD АX `t| XX. А(big other) Ŵ Ĭt, t Аǔ T ȴ DȈ ٳT  . ij lX 4XX uD l1XՔ @ x А1t( 88 , @ , 2014). |@ Ƭ `X \(circuit of discourse)H<\ дŘp H  D , 0| Ƭ Ŵ@ `X Ĭx Ĭ ȍ X. йXՐt Ƭ Ŵ| X Ƭ X ݹD l1tմ, xX ݹt p䲔 t. D Ĭ t|t ȴ̔ Ĭ  ̹䴴 Ŵ\ xt . |t Ĭ  E H й (empty speech)t| x    D QXՔ <\ D x<\ 8Xp ȴ| DȈ x¤, Ĭ  I , й (full speech)@ ȴ QXՔ <\ ȴ xt  ȴX ݹD ܴ췸. D)_.`)e.f).).).).)Ezd}(6k}(gr}(z}(2}(`}(?}(x}(}(}(F_` ef     BC@|@ lt(Saussure, 1857-1913)X 08` Ĭ\X Ŵ P<\0 Ȳ}(l}(}(Ȼ}(-}(F  qr vw B C |t „t`D $X0 t  տ  H଴ X ٳD t, t  @ DtX  Ő xX  D MѤ¸\ D |X „t`D ȩX Ȕx)G.H)E$}(1R}(a}(F    => GH BD)E@.}(BC 3.1. |   Ő xX  D$ :$:E@\@B C 1) Lj  D4E@LL(BDE@ RX(BC@|(thtre du quotidien)@ 1970D 0 Ց@ ų|D <\ | \ , xX Ӕ\ ,  |ǴŘ x 8 D Ɍ t T t. D)E('}(<V.}(o5}(BC`Z|X Ȕ P<\ ӸT, 4|, X, X D  (@, 2004). , |@ |D XՔ ij0 \. |D Lt t |X t ȹ 䲑X XՌ ֈǔ| .  |@ xX ӸT t Ǵ 䲑1<\ ֈǔ nj| 4  ,$0 X P t |  0X\. P , |X tl1@ 4| 0<\ l1. p |t x |  t Lj <\ Иp, tx T@ t ɩ. x @ t. D <\ tX tΘ L|, , tX , ଐ X 18 ̹ DX Ȍ| LDŴ , D| ̹ DX D P >D D| tXՌ . D)E@}(3}(f}(H}(v}(}(-ҵ}(_}(.}(B, CĚ . <Ք xȕݹX D Dń\0 ptX ų| px<\ X, T D ų|p pXX Ȁ 0L \. CBehavioral Analysis Based on Jacques Lacan's Psychoanalysis* D&;><=&E@xxH(F<=+B- C- Michel Vinaver's The Portrait of A Woman - DE@Q (B.C8 20 1  1.8]  I (̌ 2. ȯ 1 t D@E@ RX(BDE@8'RX(BC`-- nfJung, Han-Kook** D O OOE@x-LLp(F?G@ nf*)Df HBS!C ` * This research was supported by 00 University Research Grants in 0000  l Ux D CE @(B"C ** Master. Major in Counseling Psychology Graduate School of Education, 00 University (klh%0000@daum.netklh) - tT| Ux D vCE (W( (G pklh%mailto:0000@daum.net;2;0;09]BC *** Assistant Professor. Department of Addiction Rehabilitation Counseling, 00 University (klh%000000@hanmail.netklh) - 8Ȑ ɔh D j?vCE  ([P(G klh%#mailto:grangchohs@hanmail.net;2;0;0{KB"D CE @(BC Cho, Han-Kook*** DOO O  E@45LLp(F BKC` 8tDŽ 8 Ux (\m, p\m) D107G1E@<((BC`In a play, a plot consists of the development of an event, which must be caused by an action, which causes an action. The central axis of the plot is events and actions, and the character's character is expressed by actions. The actor's acting reveals his character through the characters' actions. The character's behavior is psychological and physical, the behaviors induced or intended by the character are related to the character's desires, and the desire is associated with the unconscious. Therefore, it can be an effective analysis method for actors to know what desires are the causes of characters' behaviors and what kind of behaviors they express. Lacan developed Freud's theory of psychoanalysis to a new pe= !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<>ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~rspective, which he described as three categories of psychoanalysis theory: the imaginary, the symbolic, and the real. In addition, he published his research on four basic concepts of psychoanalysis: unconsciousness, desire, transfer and impulse. According to Lacan's newly proposed psychoanalytic theory, the characters that Freud's psychoanalytic theory is unable to analyze can be done. Therefore, using Lacan's theory of psychoanalysis is a new approach for role analysis. In this study, in order to analyze DocOptions P3UP3UScripts P3UP3UJScriptVersion [DefaultJScriptV  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPURSTWXYZ]^_`abdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~the character's behavior, the three basic categories of Lacan's psychoanalysis theory-the imaginary, the symbolic are employed, and it investigates the theory of desire, which includes the formation of the subject, the separation and alienation as a cause of desire, and Oedipus stage. Based on this new psychoanalytic method derived, this study provides character analysis of the main characters of Michel Vinaber's  A Portrait of A Woman. D1E@&B((^pH((0N((/S((Y((p_((a0e((j((+p((pv((0|((P((((p((0((((J((BD1E@p((B`C Key words: Lacan, Psychoanalysis, Desire Theory, Behavioral Analysis, Text Analysis ȴ 4 Ux D 1V7E0((]((F BDE@RX(BDE@RX(BDE@@RX(B C dhgp DE@ RX(Gdhgp?<l |X „t` X\ x <\m1, p\m2** Han-Kook, Jung1, and Han-Kook, Cho2** 1\mYP TYՀ P (Hankook Univ.) 2\mYP TYՀ P (Hankook Univ.) - 1.88 2.\-m, , and \-m, p> < > <m8]> <t l  xt ¸@ ¸ ), )0| ttX x X Ĭ| XՔ t. lX @ ֬  | ȬX ǔ  x 263t
